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  1. My Top 100's Lost but Not Forgotten: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

    by , 01-30-2020 at 08:17 PM (Wolf Kanno's Crazy Ramblings and Incoherent Statements)
    You know the drill…

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    I mentioned this in my Chain of Memories entry for my Top 100 List, but Kingdom Hearts and I have a really awkward history with each other. This is a franchise that has always been more of a guilty pleasure for me than something I actively love. Funny enough, it’s not even the basic premise that bothers me. While Final Fantasy meets Disney mash-up sounds contrived, KH has always managed to make it work since this ...
    Video Games
  2. Finally beat Final Fantasy VI


    I'm pretty happy that I was able to finally beat Final Fantasy VI. Overall, I'm starting to see reoccurring themes throughout the series. I think FF7 borrowed heavily from FF6 and I'm actually at a crossroads between the two games. I can say that I enjoyed FF7 more but I think it was because of the time I played it. I think it has more to do with the fact that when I played FF7, it was just released.

    So here are my thoughts of FF6:

    Some things I liked: ...
  3. Discord had an epiphany.

    Well this weekend proved to be somewhat productive to me. Usually I go out to eat, maybe watch the hockey game at a bar or something (it so happens that the two or three bars I frequent, two are chicken wing joints, just because they are close to me I have a lot of chicken wings, I've learned to love the chicken wing).

    But this week I wasn't too productive on my gym, only getting in three days of work, completely missing a muscle group. Yet I feel as if in all of my communication between ...
  4. Blog me crazy, but I like the idea of a monogamous relationship.


    Just talked to some guy who tried to convince me that monogamy is not in our DNA because animals are not monogamous. Uhhh.... animals also exhibit homosexuality, does that means deep down we should just smurf everything that we can?

    I like to think that we shouldn't, call me crazy but when I was in school I loved to date women without having the having to deal with cheating.

    Weird. I don't know, maybe it was my christian upbringing or my over protective ...
  5. A Modern Guide to Ys - Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA

    by , 01-12-2020 at 12:17 AM (Karifean's Blog of Visual Novels)


    If it's not clear by now, I adore the Ys series. I love how purely fun these games are, I love the simple sense of adventure, and the sense of genuine mystique from uncovering the lore of ancient places of legend. I love the way Falcom humanizes their characters and really makes them feel 'real' in a way other studios' JRPGs struggle to match. And whatever I may have said about Celceta it still is a game that has a lot of that. ...
  6. FF6 progress

    I'm towards the end of Final Fantasy VI, I still have a few loose ends to wrap up. Currently trying to even out my character's levels so that they are all around level 40. My main squad reached LV40ish but it turns out I am going to need to split the party up if I am going to stand a chance against some of the dungeons that require to split your party. I'm debating on whether going all the way to fully equip my party before the final confrontation against Kefka.

    If I finish FF6 I would ...
  7. A Modern Guide to Ys - Ys: Memories of Celceta (Ys IV)

    by , 01-03-2020 at 10:09 PM (Karifean's Blog of Visual Novels)


    Time for a quick history lesson! Ys IV's history is a strange one indeed. Back around its initial release there were actually two games that were Ys IV, there was "Ys IV: Dawn of Ys" by Hudson Soft on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16) CD-ROM, and then there was "Ys IV: Mask of the Sun" by Tonkin House on the SNES. How did that happen? Well Falcom were in a bit of a situation at ...
  8. A Modern Guide to Ys - Ys Seven

    by , 01-03-2020 at 01:37 AM (Karifean's Blog of Visual Novels)


    Heading into the final era of Ys games and in the series' timeline the chronologically last of the localized games so far we have Ys Seven. Released for the PSP in late 2009 and ported to the PC years later, this game marks a heavy departure from earlier titles in the series in terms of graphics, gameplay and storytelling alike. The shift was met with mixed reception, but given all that came out of it, I couldn't be ...
  9. Check me out!

    As I return, I reminisce over the past.

    It wasn't a long task, a few clicks and I was done with that. Impulsive? Maybe, but what are the ramifications of such, of prolonging such a strenuous task?

    It feels weird to be back, I don't know anyone. I still miss BarleySeeAtAll or whatever her name was.

    But she left in like 2010, the beginning of the decade.

    Whatever, I'm here and it's the beginning of a new decade. Let's try not to mess this up. ...