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  1. I'm gonna be on TV

    An artist friend of mine who is some sort of community person in Franklin is scheduling a video shoot for me at the Franklin Library on Jan 5th.

    This is gonna be very widely distributed, and the news crew from the local TV station is coming out.

    I'm going to do a 1 1/2 to 2 hour set of music...boy am I nervous. O_O;

    Wish me luck, ok? My fragile self-esteem needs it. ;J
  2. Chocobo Breeding FF7

    This is the most frustrating thing i have encountered through the entire game. I go through all this work just to get a few items (actually quite a few of them, some being the best in the whole game). But seriously, this is making me want to jump out of my F%@king window and i haven't even done everything i need to do yet! smurfing trout! -.-
  3. Deciding to share this even if it is a BAD idea xD

    so i have only been here for almost two months but in this time i mention some things in chat probably from habit and people get confused.

    i am really not the kind of person to share stuff like illnesses and what not. why? because i do not want or like people feeling sorry for me. attention grabbing annoys me and constantly crying about how 'bad' your life is just makes me LOL because there is always someone out there worse off then you. those starving kids in otherworld countrys? ...
  4. Crazy

    The mentally ill are often ostracized and relegated to the fringes of society, and in many cases, there is not much that can be done. If someone can't function and take care of their basic needs, then it falls to society to provide measures to care for such people.

    My psychiatrist has said that I am very high-functioning. This means that I stand a good chance of being able to take care of myself, so dropping into oblivion is probably not going to happen to me.

    But seeing ...
  5. Smurfed

    Hahahahaha! I only just realized whenever someone swears on here or uses an inappropriate word it comes up with "smurf" or "smurfed" I'm sure there is a better way to bleep out inappropriate language than making a reference to the smurfs here on a website that revolves around rpg gaming xD #TheSmurfs #Smurfed
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    Film & Television
  6. A letter to my stalker

    dear mackeeper

    please stop bothering me. it will NEVER work out and i thought i made that clear by closing your windows every time you come knocking. it really is distracting when i am trying to research for school and you pop up to bother me and make a fuss asking if i really want you to leave.

    the truth is. if i did give in and give you a date and download you. the only junk i would be cleaning from my macintosh is you.

    please do not take this the wrong way. ...
  7. Lonely Single Bananananana Batman. Log #5

    All the food in my house is milk and eggs.

    I shall become the greater of myself.

    Poptarts have abandoned me, and they took the dog when they left.

    I started getting mail addressed to Huj Wenkr.

    Except for work and shopping, I rarely leave my room.

    My treadmill is breaking from overuse.

    Loony BoB Penetrated EoFF today. No one can stop his rampage. If you are reading this in the future, learn from our mistakes, don't ...
  8. Already? O.o

    Ok so i knew all along that Aeris was gonna die, even an idiot who's not with it at all can figure that was gonna happen. But still into the first disc and one of the main characters has been killed off already? The uproar this would of caused for all ff fans when ff7 was first released in 1997 would of been bigger than when Brian Griffin was killed off on Family Guy xD Still, I'm loving my first play through of this game despite how old it is. It's not hard to see why it is still so talked about ...
  9. Sudden derp

    i was playing a multiplayer on the ps3 and all the sudden i forgot how to reload.
    just like that i couldnt find it :S while 20 sec before i had reloaded.

    i tried all combinations possible but i just couldnt find it :S it was kind of scarry since i struggles for a good 3 minutes

    what the hell brain.. what the hell?

    Updated 12-05-2013 at 12:49 PM by Shaibana

  10. Friggedy Frak, you scared me

    So as some of you know, Majora's Mask is my second favorite game OF ALL TIME EVER!! Well I was playing it and then I watched/read that Ben Drowned thingy and it scared the parcheesies out of me. I get scared really easily and I couldn't sleep for like 3 days and I was sleeping poorly for like a week after that.

    So I was halfway through my Majora's Mask playthrough since I recently bought it online since I loved it so much, and then I quit playing because scared.

    Well boyfriend ...
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