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Recent Blogs Posts

  1. New Series Articles Cancelled

    Bad news, everyone, I won't be continuing any of the new weekly articles I started. I know it's only been a couple of weeks, but ever since I started the days have gotten progressively shorter and they've been wearing me out.

    I'll keep doing my reviews as always, but if I keep the rest up I'm going to hit burnout. I'm only one person. I'm doing all the writing, all the proofing, and all the editing. Maybe if there's something else I want to write about I'll do so and share it on the ...
    Video Games
  2. Rogue Friday: Controllers

  3. Srs Bsns: Changing the Formula

    Srs Bsns #3 Changing the Formula. When is it right or wrong to do so?
  4. Srs Bsns: Supply and Demand

    That new game you bought isn't working like it supposed to? What's up with that? Today we get to the bottom of it!