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  1. I feel this doesnt have enough substance to be a thread on it's own

    Why don't I ever see girls wear shirts with jokes on them? I see about three shirt jokes a day and all of them are on guy torsos. Is it because you dont want to give men another reason to stare at your chests? Have a sense of humour ladies
    Tags: fashion, women Add / Edit Tags
  2. Final Fantasy VI Ultimania Project

    by , 04-09-2011 at 05:13 AM (Wolf Kanno's Crazy Ramblings and Incoherent Statements)
    So as some of you may have known, I've been working on a project to discover the Ultimania style books of VI. Last year, I acquired some of the original books from Japan and I've finally been able to upload them here on this site. I'm basically asking to see if anyone would be interested in helping translate some of the books. Its pretty short, and I'm mostly interested on the sections about the history and International Situation.

    There is some great artwork here for people to see ...
  3. EOFF census results finally here!

    So why are you reading this blog post? Oh who am I kidding. Only Peegee reads my damn posts, but get to the Census thread anyway Peegee. There be results afoot. And if you could tell all of those people who generally ignore my blog (you know; all of them) to get over to that thread too that'd be awesome.