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Personal Life

Gamers have lives! And if they run out of them, they best hope they'll have a continue left.

  1. I really just need to vent.....

    Well it's nearly a year since my last blog entry because, well, I'm lazy when it comes to this sort of thing. Why have I decided to post a blog today? Well? I really need to vent all the bull$h*t floating around in my head that's why!

    For the most part the past 8 months of my life, while not fantastic have been a lot better than the 12 months before them. I moved to a small 2 bedroom apartment in Sligo sharing with an old friend from school in late August 2011, a big town (they call ...
    Personal Life
  2. Third visit.

    Ugh, I'm not posting this asking for advice or seeking help. I just need to vent a little and tell my little story because I kept it to myself for awhile from most of you. Not much of you know that I have kidney failure. Anyway, this year I had a procedure done that removed a fistula that was getting too big replaced with a graft in my arm. The surgery for that was done in January, so the month was spent healing the arm and what not. In Feb, I had another visit for surgery to remove the staples ...
    Personal Life
  3. This job is made for me

    So I'm writing a federal habeas corpus brief for a pro bono client of my research professor, claiming ineffective assistance of trial counsel. Right now my job is basically to pick apart everything the state court did in denying our state-level habeas claim for ineffective assistance to try and persuade the federal court just how horrifyingly irrational the state court's decision was. I'm given pretty wide leeway to be as blunt as I need to, and some of things I write would not be out of place in ...
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    Personal Life , News & Politics
  4. Audiobooks!

    I like them. I'm lazy and I drive a lot. I've been trying to find an amusing werewolf paranormal romance that doesn't royally suck. You know how hard this is? Why do they have to put such lame covers on so many fantasy type books. Do people buy them with such lame covers? ugh. This is why normal people make fun of fantasy so much you know!
  5. All I Want

    All I want in the whole world is for Bill Nye and Stephen Colbert to be married and for them to be my dads. And also for one or two powerful males to lust after me, even though we are for some reason forbidden to be together.

    I'm not a greedy person.
    Personal Life
  6. Newsflash: I'm Stupid

    Yesterday I was getting dolled up for my valentine when I thought "Golly, my pores sure are full of heinous particulates." Fortunately, I knew just who would have the solution: <a href="">Pinterest</a>. That site is all about collecting household remedies.

    And, lo, did I find that <a href="">1 tbs sugar + 1 tbs baking soda + 1 tbs water + 20 minutes = clean ...
    Tags: idiot Add / Edit Tags
    Personal Life
  7. The KaiserDragon Speaks, you noobs shall listen!

    Apparently I have been an idiot, I woke up in the middle of my sleepy time and decided to be an idiot and moan like a top dollar hookah!

    Yep, I bitched at one of the mods, I completely misinterpreted what he said and I behaved like one of these:

    So I decided I would make a blog to allow all of you guys to poke fun at me without the risk of being banned from EoEO, go ahead, call me an idiot I deserve it. ...
  8. Font

  9. On Cutting

    I got a super sexy paper cutter! I've had it for a few days, but I'm just now really getting the hang of it. It was a "business expense," and so far I'm using it to re-design and semi-mass produce my packaging.

    The set of cards I made to pin my Legend of Zelda earrings came out really nice, I think.

    I'm working on a lot of new things to put up. I have BJ's grandpa's... like suit ...
    Tags: crafting, etsy, life, work Add / Edit Tags
    Personal Life
  10. Mega Upload is gone.

    Well America has done it, those smurfing idiots have closed down the biggest file host on the internet, yes, MegaUpload has been shut down and the owners have been arrested.

    Disgusted? I know I am, not only disgusted though but smurfing angry too... could America have done anything as stupid as what they have just done, the internet is going to be up in smurfing arms about this.

    with just 2 minutes in chat (on another site) everyone is clamouring for hackers of the world ...