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Personal Life

Gamers have lives! And if they run out of them, they best hope they'll have a continue left.

  1. Get Obama on the Horn

    The audio that plays when I'm on hold with my insurance company loops every 45 seconds. I've heard it 260 times so far today. At around 230 you start to flinch every time the piano solo is about to start, like you're gonna get a smack.


    The friendly voice that tells you all associates are busy assisting other callers cuts off the piano solo. When she's done, the song jumps in again, mid-note.


    It's always the same segment of the song. ...
    Personal Life
  2. Lucky Number 7even!

    I saw my blog count was looking lonely at 6 so I decided to up it to 7. Yes, you read that right, seven mighty posts! You might also note that I used the number 7 and spelled out seven as well. Did you know that in print media you typically spell out numbers less than 10? And ten itself can be spelled out or typed as the number. Does that make 10 bi? Or maybe it's just confused? Either way it sounds like ten is in uni or college and still trying to find itself. Not all grown up like 11 and ...
  3. Maybe i can get the feedback here..

    I'm on winter break from school. I'm a Game Art student and i need something to model over the break or i will go nuts. Problem is, I'm fried and I can't think of anything I want to do and please no magical girl stuff. I've gotten all sorts of other suggestions on other boards for more sailor moon stuff and I've done a lot of that sort of think lately, so yeah no more of that. Maybe here I can find something that inspires me to model again. So any ideas guys and gals?
  4. 999

    No, this isn't about Herman Cain's 999 Plan. This is how many posts I currently have on the forum. If I can practice some restraint (quit laughing) then I'll be saving the big 1k for revealing what I got for Christmas this year, pictures and all! I seem to have a big box that is gift wrapped and a bunch of little Christmas bags. I wonder...

    I wanted to sleep and actually wake up ON Christmas morning, but that didn't pan out so well, so I guess I just have to kill the next several hours ...
  5. It Smells Like a 4th Grade Volcano in Here

    I made Bailey's hand print into Christmas ornaments for myself, my mom, and BJ's mom. I used a clay I made from flour and baking soda.

    Apparently Mod Podge is pretty acidic 'cause now trout's all bubbly and it smells like vinegar. AHH!!

    I already tried a sealing spray, but it just gets absorbed. Now that the brush-on stuff is made of extra fail, I'll try an acrylic spray.

    My nose holes are upset with me. Bailey seems to be amused though.
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    Personal Life

    I killed it. I have no use for old unimportant blog posts. :I

    Updated 01-17-2018 at 02:51 AM by Black Magic Shopkeeper

    Personal Life
  7. The Sads.

    I'm a little melancholy because in the last fortnight, Del Murder, Miriel and Mikztsu have all been in Auckland and I have been unable to show them around
    Personal Life
  8. Milk

    I really, really like having a baby. Being a mother was always my main goal in life, but I didn't think I'd like it this much. I don't even mind that my nipples are killing me right now because I just pumped more milk than I ever have in one sitting before--I feel accomplished. Today she stared lifting her legs and laying them to the side, so that she's almost laying on her right side, and it's like the biggest deal ever. I took a few dozen pictures of this major event. I'm going to call the president ...
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    Personal Life
  9. ToraTravels: Shanghai, baby

    It takes about two to three days of being on the road to develop the nice hobo smell I mentioned earlier. That’s three days of walking around and sweating with a full backpack in the same clothes. Did I mention it's over 30 degrees? Whereas I don’t really care what I look or smell like in most Chinese places, I have to admit to feeling like a no-good bum upon arrival in Shanghai, after five days of traveling around from one hopeless place to another.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20131003-_A030034.jpg 
Views:	1148 
Size:	151.6 KB 
ID:	48313 ...
  10. Bonus Stage

    Presented by: Copypasta™

    I felt like I was stuck on some really troutty stage in Sonic the Hedgehog for a few months there, moving super fast and spinning in circles and generally failing at doing both of those things efficiently. But recently, it's like I've finally beaten that stage and progressed to the Bonus Stage. Now all I have to do is collect a metric smurfton of rings before the timer runs out, and I'm a winner regardless. This is a good feeling.

    Personal Life