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  1. Sharin no Kuni Chapter 5 ("Sharin no Kuni" Arc) Impressions

    by , 01-17-2015 at 10:19 PM (Karifean's Blog of Visual Novels)

    So it's already here, the plot's climax. And with it comes the obligatory plot twist that makes you feel so damn stupid for not realizing it before. G-senjou had it, Umineko had many of them, and now Sharin no Kuni has one too.

    Really, Sharin no Kuni's Chapter 5 is similar to G-senjou no Maou's in so many ways. You can really see how they took what worked great in Sharin no Kuni and worked it into G-senjou.

    Plot Synopsis

    Updated 01-18-2015 at 02:22 AM by Karifean

    Video Games , Internet , Miscellaneous
  2. Sharin No Kuni Chapter 4 (Natsumi's Arc) Impressions

    by , 01-17-2015 at 12:44 AM (Karifean's Blog of Visual Novels)

    Okay smurf you game and your smurfing cliffhangers. It's one in the morning and I can already say that I won't be getting any sleep tonight because I so badly want to know what happens next. First, a quick impressions intermission.

    Natsumi is a very socially inactive girl with the worst obligation of all; Prohibition of Falling in Love, which disallows her contact with the opposite sex; no physical contact is allowed, no eye contact ...