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  1. Oops

    by , 09-02-2011 at 11:37 PM (rubah's Precious Little Life)
    My parents and I left AR this morning to move me and my things to California. This afternoon, going through OKC, a semi hit the truck my mom and I were in.

    It was pretty awful, but the only thing really damaged was the truck. Mom and I were banged up some, but nothing broken. Just bruises and scrapes.
  2. College (where I am now)

    So I'm in college and it's my third day and so far it's pretty boring. But I guess cuz it's just the first week. I'm kind of annoyed, cuz they've been letting us out early, and I'm spending more time getting to and from than I am in class. Also because of my town's stupid bus schedule I have to come in 2-4 hours early. SO BORED. I do like that they give you the plan for the class for the whole semeste, so I know instantly what will be done each class and when exams are and when all of the homework ...
  3. FFXII 122333 Challenge: RNG Manipulation

    I didn't know much about this (RNG manipulation in FFXII) until recently, which is a shame, because it's a great exploit! It can be used to farm rare items in chests.

    In a previous game, I spent hours to collect just a Ribbon (or maybe multiple Ribbons) from a chest. Poo. >=< This would have been nice to know back then.

    Anyway, Necronopticous and I have been abusing this exploit a little in our challenge. We acquired two Zodiac Escutcheon shields from a chest ...
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