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  1. Prototyping for dummies

    So last post I mentioned having six general rules I planned to follow for designing the strategy game I'm making. So of course I had to break at least half of them with the first prototype.

    The basic structure of the game in the very first version was two opposing teams square off with the objective of destroying the others base. Each team got money at the start of each round that they could use to either buy more units, or research higher level units. Each player could make a certain ...

    Updated 09-23-2010 at 11:55 AM by Slothy

    Tags: game design Add / Edit Tags
  2. Sinning for Fun and Profit

    While other people were working hard on updating to vB4, I was in Las Vegas.

    See my tips on traveling to Las Vegas here.

    Also, I was up $55 for the weekend and BJ was up twice that. Woo!
    Tags: travel Add / Edit Tags
    Personal Life
  3. Cool story bro.

    I've been trying to think of things that I could blog about and I don't think I could come up with anything particularly interesting. So mindless drivel it is.

    Most of my thoughts at the moment are consumed with Swedish movies that I've watched recently, and fate stay night; All of which I think I'm going to make sigs for. It's bad of me because there were a few requests in the sig service that I said I was going to do, but now...well...I'll do them later.

    Look at how ...
  4. Bloog


    Hey EoFF - Why are you even reading this? You know it will be full of asl pika pika asinine blah blah.

    Come at me brah.
  5. Diamond Eyes.

    I'm on a constant search for people I can relate to.

    I used to find the internet one of the easiest places to do this but nowadays I find it one of the hardest. When I first joined Eyes on Final Fantasy (2006) I spent most time on the chat room making friends (and enemies) and would sometimes post on the forums. After a year or so of not paying much attention to the site I find myself posting on the forums, simply to pass some time.

    However my 'social network' on here ...
  6. Waht are the chances?

    What do you guys think are the chances that Squenix will remake FF7 for PSP
    Or make a new tactics for PSP

    Also, whoever ate my sandwich, not cool
    Tags: eoff, sandwich Add / Edit Tags
  7. This time tomorrow, hopefully I'll be playing FFXIV.

    It's more than likely that I'll still be downloading and installing patches while looking into the various vB4 issues, but hey, a guy can hope! I'm really excited about getting the game, I gotta say. I enjoyed the beta a lot, but I'd stopped playing after I got to about level 10 with my various classes and did the second storyline mission... There was no real point in continuing for me as I knew that it would be leveling etc. just to have it all wiped once the beta closed. But yeah. Soon! Hopefully ...
  8. Experimentation

    Del Tony seems to think a themed blog of me yelling at people would be popular.


    This month marks my 7-year anniversary of EoFF. EoFF is now the longest relationship I've ever had.

    And you smurfers didn't even get me a present!
  9. What I'll be blogging about.

    I have been thinking about this for the last few days, and I think I will mainly be blogging about two things!

    1. Treasures & Adventures
    2. Games reviews, mainly horror.

    1. Treasures and Adventures.
    I love mysteries, I like exploring things and investigating things. Sadly, this is not very common things in every day life, in fact it only ever happens in movies and games. So since nobody will give me anything to solve, I will give it to them. I've had ...
  10. candy land

    There is a new:

    Pirates of the Carribean Movie

    and a:

    Transformers Movie

    coming out soon!

    Now you know
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