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  1. needles(s) violence


    2400 NEEDLES!!!!
    fweh, glad thats out of my system
  2. Mognet Messaging

    I found while cleaning through my inbox that private message titles usually fall into a few specific categories.

    There are the greetings: Hello! Hi! Heya, hiya, hey, yo, holla, and HEY YOU, hey there, harro, sup playa!

    I have a ton of those. Followed next by the non-word titles:

    =), >=(, !!!!, ????, ^_^, : mad2 :

    And then there are plenty of the random ones: Antlers, lizard, horseback riding, krøll, "Today I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt ...

    Updated 09-19-2010 at 12:58 AM by Miriel

    Eyes on Final Fantasy , Miscellaneous
  3. One day later...

    Search Index count: 904750 and counting at 250 a pop. UARGH.

    So far, so good. The expected grumbles, the expected conflicting interests, and definitely the expected slow but steady progress. Actually, that's a bit unfair - thanks to many people, this has been progressing pretty quickly. Before we went live, Marshall Banana in particular was immense for a good few months where she almost (almost! Not gonna forget the efforts of rubah/Rantz/etc) single-handedly got the styles looking ...
  4. I'm calling it now

    This is going to go the same way as 'social groups' which were all the rage for a few minutes after the last upgrade


    Q: What's the difference between a pigeon?

    A: None. Both sides look the same. Especially the left one.
  6. This is a blog post.

  7. Final Fantasy V: The Impossible Dream?

    I love Final Fantasy V. Final Fantasy V is fun, cute, funny, and witty. Final Fantasy V's system is unique. Final Fantasy V is better than Final Fantasy XIII. Then why have I finished FFXIII without finishing FFV? What am I doing so wrong? Perhaps FFV's perfect leveling up system distracts me so! But not this time! As I approach ExDeath's castle, I will finish this game, NeoExDeath shall be vanquished! ...

    Updated 09-19-2010 at 02:23 AM by Goldenboko

    Final Fantasy
  8. Just finished the first KH again!

    I think the first KH is way cute. Before the whole Org XIII muddling the story up. It's just a cute story about being true to your heart! Also WOO secret ending! I'm thinking about playing KH2. But i'm wondering if the eoff plays is going to start it soon. I know they did the KH play through and I barely missed it. Maybe they'll start the KH2 one soon.

    Who agrees that KH1 is totally mega cute?
  9. vB4 almost ready!

    Just a lot of red x's and a bit of trouble with PM's spotted so far, but we're getting there.

    Yes, this is just a test and excuse to get in first blog entry
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