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  1. Srs Bsns: Women Representations in Games

    The first edition of "Srs Bsns" is here. Women Representations in Games!

    Why did the save icon suddenly show up?
    Video Games
  2. The Big Week

    Boy from Kansas coming through. Follow the yellow brick road! Follow the yellow brick road! Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road! We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!

    What's up EoFF? We did it, IX just barely managed to crawl out with the win eliminating X-2 and butts were sore. Mine is still sore from the spanking Psychotic gave me. "No, Tori. That's a very bad Tori. Go to your room and think about what you've done!" It looks ...
  3. ToriJ's Reviews Q&A Interest Check

    Okay, so, I was thinking about doing a Q&A segment for ToriJ's Reviews. It would mainly be for questions regarding my reviews, games in general, developers, current happenings in the gaming industry, all that good stuff. If I did one would anyone be interested in participating? I don't just want to make a thread and then have no one reply and feel like a jackass, so let me know if this is something you'd be interested in.
  4. New Year's Lineup

    Happy New Year! 2015 is literally a day away, and we have some great things planned for the new year. Who's we? The voices in my head. They don't like me to acknowledge them too much because they're shy, and they say it will get me put in a white jacket or something. We are just three reviews away from ToriJ's 100th Review. It's going to be a wild month because not only am I reviewing a RPG, I'm reviewing a game based off a TV show, my first MMO ever, and a movie adaption of a video game. I think ...
  5. I wrote a thing about Game of Thrones

    And it got posted on Shorty's site. I played the new Telltale's game back when it came out on December 2nd and loved it to pieces. So, when I got in touch with Shorty about doing a guest post I decided Game of Thrones would be the perfect topic to talk about, and I was right. I wrote this whole thing up in a single day, that is how much I love Game of Thrones. Warning though, if you haven't played the game and are planning to I suggest doing that first before reading this. These games are 99% story ...
  6. ToriJ's 100th Review Reveal

    I know, I've been doing a lot of blogging lately. I find it to be the best way to promote myself without adding more mass to my post count, plus I just like blogs. But you don't want to hear about all that, chances are if you took the time to click this you want to know what my 100th review is going to be about. First, I'm going to drag this out to build hype, and hope it doesn't occur to you to scroll down to see what the game is. Don't touch that mouse!

    I've been doing this for ...
  7. I was in a podcast

    Two actually. It was part of a site called Next Generation. We talked about up-coming movies, and new releases. Figured I'd share with you guys. First time doing a podcast so my performance is crap.

  8. Branching out & Patreon

    Hi, EoFF. Boy, I've been a busy bee for the past couple of weeks.

    To start off, several months back I made a thread about branching out with my reviews, which saw a truckload of anime requests. Mr. Vivi22 was even kind enough to recommend a couple of Uwe Boll movies. Please, feel free to thank Mr. Vivi after I leave 8D *cough* Anyway, here's a long overdue update on that.

    After I reviewed 100 games (and I'm already 12 reviews away from that goal) I plan to review my first ...
  9. September Lineup

    Is it approaching Autumn time already? Damn, what happened to summer? Oh, who am I kidding, I hate summer. I'm ready for the temperature to cool down, but I am not ready for winter, which I am sure will find a way to extend its time like it always does. Anyway, check out what I have in store to kick off the new season! I'm going to Branson on the 8th for a long overdue vacation so there will be no review that week.

    September 3rd

    Updated 08-27-2014 at 11:23 PM by Ayen

    Final Fantasy , Video Games
  10. July Lineup

    If these games were fireworks I wonder which would give off the biggest explosion?

    7th: Game of Thrones [PS3]
    14th: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots [PS3]
    21st: Infamous [PS3]
    28th: Infamous 2 [PS3]
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