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  1. Triple Triad IRL

    by , 12-24-2012 at 02:26 AM (rubah's Precious Little Life)
    I found a stack of Triple Triad cards I had made a few years ago and taught my nephew how to play. He really likes it, I think.
  2. Formalhaut's EoFF Year In Review

    by , 12-24-2012 at 12:31 AM (Formalhaut: Moonlighting)
    Name:  EoFF Balthier's Blog Header.jpg
Views: 7334
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    Hello everyone! I hope your holidays are going swimmingly. The purpose of this blog entry is to simply reflect on my time here since September and just to congratulate each and every member I can think of for making my time here so far feel great and special. I sincerely hope you've enjoyed my blog posts so far and I wish you all a merry Christmas

    So, I left the shores of EoFF around the year of 2008. I can't remember quite the exact ...

    Updated 01-07-2013 at 12:13 AM by Formalhaut

    Eyes on Final Fantasy , EoFF Commemoration , Final Fantasy
  3. Well.

    Well today, my mom's friend told me what I'm doing for the people who aren't doing what I am with what I have. She told me never to let people bring you down or get into your head. She reminded me that even with my deficits, I am succeeding.

    I am showing people that even with trout thats thrown at me, even the trout I throw at myself, I push on. I know I am stubborn, persistant, aggressive and i over think everything.

    But that's me. That's how I succeed. That's how I set ...
  4. A federal case about cock suckers

    Yesterday, a federal Court of Appeals decided the fate of a trademark on “cock suckers,” which are rooster-shaped lollipops produced by a woman named Marsha Fox in support of the University of South Carolina Gamecocks. The trademark examiner denied her trademark on the grounds that it was “scandalous,” and the federal court affirmed.

    In support of this ruling, the court cited a law originally passed in 1905 that prohibited the issuance of trademarks if it “consists of or compromises ...
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    News & Politics
  5. Laguna's Log 12-01-2012

    I told you we were going somewhere special for Christmas, didn't I? Look, we're heading in the right direction, I can feel it. You just have to have a little faith. The pub is a stone's throw away, I just know it!
  6. The end.

    t's not that I'm dumb, or I don't learn. It's the fact I believe the world is against me. Because the world took so much from me, because I know so much evil. People have done me so much wrong, that I'm blind to those who do me right. Problem is I keep feeding the part of me that believes this lie. I don't acknowledge the part that knows the truth. I fail over and over again. No more, when I said I should write a book I wasn't lying.
    "You have to lose everything. To gain something" ...
  7. HAWKEN Open Beta

    I missed the closed beta for Hawken, but good news: the open beta recently happened, and now more people can kill each other. I happen to go by the name MDNA, so if you see me, shoot me. Or shoot me a friend request. Or whatever. No idea what Hawken is? Do not worry; I drawed a picture for you (do not worry, I draw good):

    It looks like that, but with more dying ...
  8. And so a chapter nears its end

    So, I have some good news.
    I was accepted into the university of colorado: Colorado Springs
    This was my college of choice, and it's both affordable ($8000 tuition) and is just all around a fanfreakingbeautiful school. I compared schools in colorado for a good month for making my choice, and I'm glad my choice thought I was a pretty cool guy.

    Now I just need to worry about the financial side.
    Any tips I should know? Traps to look out for?
    I know of the "Don't ...
  9. At my school, its night time, and I'm on the computer

    Tonight I have a band concert. Christmas and such. Well, we have an hour before the show begins and the jazz band is tuning up and such. I decided to slip away into the resource office, which for some reason isn't locked, and use the computer to get on EoFF. SUCCESS! I feel like such a James Bond right now. On another cool, bright note, we do Secret Santa. My Secret Santa, an amazing friend of mine, Sedona, got me 3 MLP figurines. Applejack, Applebloom, and Diamond Tiara. Applejack is my favorite ...
  10. cinema and mobiles

    this is the first time that i have actually been annoyed by mobile phones in the cinema.
    this time they were right beside me!!

    there was a group of 4-5 guys on my right, and 2-3 of then had to check theire phone every 10 minutes :/
    and on my left there was a guy checking the time on his phone every 11 minutes..

    it really bugged me!!!

    Seriously!! whya re you checking your phone? are you in a hurry or something? does the movie bore you? get the %*^$ ...