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  1. It's the final update!

    No more updates. Just reviews.

    Finally figured trout out and I'll be able to get back into my weekly schedule. Now I have an extra week to get work done.

    Catch you guys later.
  2. Movie Monday!

    As evident by this thread I have decided to branch out into cinema. Those who have been following me for a while will know that I already dabble in this medium in the past with my Mario, and Street Fighter reviews, but those were more looking at an adaption from the eyes of a gamer than your casual movie goer, so they may remain as part of my video games section.

    Every Monday I'll look at a different movie and post it on my blog before sharing it here. Like my games there's no cutoff ...

    Updated 06-23-2015 at 08:53 AM by Ayen

    Film & Television
  3. I was in a podcast

    Two actually. It was part of a site called Next Generation. We talked about up-coming movies, and new releases. Figured I'd share with you guys. First time doing a podcast so my performance is crap.

  4. Branching out & Patreon

    Hi, EoFF. Boy, I've been a busy bee for the past couple of weeks.

    To start off, several months back I made a thread about branching out with my reviews, which saw a truckload of anime requests. Mr. Vivi22 was even kind enough to recommend a couple of Uwe Boll movies. Please, feel free to thank Mr. Vivi after I leave 8D *cough* Anyway, here's a long overdue update on that.

    After I reviewed 100 games (and I'm already 12 reviews away from that goal) I plan to review my first ...
  5. As My Ass Grows Ever Wider

    I grossly underestimated what the Christmas rush would be like. I've had 85 orders since Friday. And at least half of them have more than one item.

    I haven't left my craft room hardly at all. Last night I stayed up until 5:30am and got back to work at 11:00am today. I'm not complaining though--my craft room is all set up for fun times. In fact, I will now review for you all of the movies I've watched so far this week.

    Another Earth - Suddenly, a parallel Earth appears! ...
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