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  1. Next Project: Suikoden Tactics journals.

    Just a-flying by, a lot faster than Operation: Wanker did, now that I have my procedure down pat.

    Already more than half way done.

    Feels good to be back in Linux. EoFF looks better, too. Still got to boot into 'doze to game, though. Windower for FFXI won't work in Ubuntu.
  2. Operation Wanker: RELEASED!

    I don't like it when wankers drift on my seas.
    Video Games

    Looks like I was prematurely exultant.

    I have to restart Operation: Wanker from the beginning.

    I'm going to do it in Linux this time -- I'll boot into 'doze to play FFXI on my days off, and *only* do O:W on work days.

    Never mind, fixed long as the end result is viewed in a fully-HTML5-and-W3C compliant browser, which at the present time means only Chrome and Safari.

    I'd rather make people use a different browser than re-download over 1,500 ...

    Updated 10-11-2012 at 07:58 AM by Citizen Bleys


    Data aquisition phase of Operation: Wanker: complete!

    Now all I have left to do is get everything uploaded (ugh filename collisions inbound) and do the actual coding, which is expected to be a cakewalk.

    Not necessarily less time consuming, but certainly more fun.

    ((Yes I know I said I was doing all updates in my last blog post, but this is a phase completion and the end is in sight!))
  5. OW Status Report

    Data gathering: 8 phases remaining
    had tech issues yesterday so played triple triad instead of working on it.

    EDIT: In retrospect, I really should have called this Operation: Storm Goat.

    EDIT2: Since no blog entries have been posted since this one, I'm just going to edit in tonight's update. 6 phases remaining, and I think I've worked out a way to avoid the data entry phase and jump straight to coding.

    Actually, you know what? I'm just going to edit ...

    Updated 10-09-2012 at 11:16 PM by Citizen Bleys (nightly update)

  6. Status Report

    9 more data gathering phases in Operation: Wanker. Taking a break, will resume Tuesday.
  7. Status Report

    12 more data gathering phases left in Operation: Wanker.

    I know nobody actually cares about status reports, but if I don't make them I'll be tempted to be lazy and not work on it and then the project will never be complete.
  8. Emergency maintenances make me sad

    I get the feeling that FFXI will have another emergency maintenance tomorrow, and once again, it is sure to start as soon as I get out of bed and end once it's too late for me to play. I'm also ready to take a break from the drudgework in Operation: Wanker, at least for a day or two.

    So, if this happens, is there anybody other than crusty oldbies who would give a rodent's hindquarters if I did another EoFF Audio Introduction?

    It's been 10 years since I've done one, ...