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  1. More baby news.

    It's a girl!

    We think. The doctor said he was 90% sure. Normally I'd like those odds, but for a split second I thought I saw a little something extra in between those legs, and then he shifted the wand thing and it was gone. I think he's in cahoots with the woman.

    90% is a lot of %, but even so, I think I'll wait until the next ultrasound confirms it before I start picking out outfits and junk. In about eight weeks we get to see a 3D ultrasound, and ...
    Tags: g14, ultrasound Add / Edit Tags
    Personal Life
  2. why??

    these 3 weekends Family Guy: Blue harvest will be on the tv.
    but it seems that comedy central is just as retarded as the rest of the channels :/

    i recorded it and when i started watching it they started with the 2nd episode.. and after that the 1st

    Someone really needs to explain this to me! why do they ALWAYS do that?
    are they really that retarded?

    I thought Comedy Central would be smarter than the others, but apearently they are not :S

    Updated 05-12-2013 at 07:59 PM by Shaibana

  3. Dreaming (copy pasted from dream thread)

    I dreamt that Del and I were sitting at a bench eating lunch, and strangers kept coming up to us and asking for him to sign their copies of his bestselling memoir, and asking where his wife was. Then they would turn to me and ask me why I didn't have a real job or an education, and then Del kept telling them that it was because I kept asking people for handouts.

    Calliope: Most Neurotic Member 2013
  4. Moving Day(s)

    The following mashup of word-things is brought to you by: copypasta

    Well, yesterday I picked up the key to the new apartment. As of today, I have 49 days remaining to shift from one apartment in what was a nice gated community three years ago (and is now less-nice... tenants are great but surrounding area has gone downhill) into a non-gated community that's very quite and in a lovely part of town. It's not -really- closer to work. It's almost exactly the same distance, but ...
    Personal Life
  5. My rep is now up to -14!

  6. Legend of the Dragonknight: the chosen one!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rinoa Lover View Post
    Character name: Lucarita26.
    Gender: Female.
    Age: 31 years old.
    Favorite place to rest: Forest temple.
    Race: Android.
    Pet: Wolf named Midnight.
    Title: Warrior of Justice.
    Bio: Lucarita26 is the strongest fighter and she love to fight for justice and that's why is his title of "Warrior of Justice". She fights for the monster and he lives with her mother. Her's father was died on the war of justice. His mother told him that he must watch out
  7. Date Night: the encore

    This entry brought to you by: copypasta

    Dinner and a movie earlier this evening was quite nice. Got together with Morgan, sat down, and saw Iron Man 3. I could have a whole debate of sorts regarding the movie, but I rather enjoyed it. The teasers and trailers showed a lot of action but it was actually spread out quite nicely. Loved the pacing. Fantastic movie. Good little dialogue sequence leading into the credits, and of course, the post-credit teaser.

  8. :o

  9. Bad cop!

    The police is suppose to be a role model to the rest.
    but last week i lost a bit of respect for them :S

    i was on my way to work on the highway with the music a bit to loud, and singing along even louder ^^ when suddenly a police car passed me with high speed. he had no sirenes on or any lights so he had no reason to.

    that wasnt even the worst; as i saw him going i saw that he was just way to close to the one at front of him. he kept gaining distance from me but i ...
  10. Seekers of Adoulin

    The following entry brought to you by: copypasta
    Also, usernames referenced in this entry are likely unfamiliar to most of you.


    But now POL still has to do its dumb file check before letting me back in the game. /sigh

    I was on such a roll earlier, farming Carabosse with Azadrael. I'm itching to get back in! If I'd known this would be a nearly three hour process, I would have waited to do this until ...
    Final Fantasy , Video Games