Conversation Between LunarWeaver and The Summoner of Leviathan

865 Visitor Messages

  1. Got my new Dragon Age patch <3 Yes, I am still playing it. I know. I know. I know. I had to find a new PC crack to make it work though. I hate that they made Easy difficulty so pathetically easy. I do like that their mana/stamina regenerates super fast out of battle now. I tell you one thing, romancing Morrigan is hard. I have to save before each conversation. The later romance stages take some specific answers to garner approval or keep at 100 once you reach it. Jesus. She's such a bitch.
  2. Apple.
  3. Sorry about that, trying to plan a social life on my days off gets hard. So yeah, 7pm would be amazing.
  4. Drunk at 7 pm. I'm such a boozehound. Well, I guess that's okay.
  5. Actually, how about we do it at like 6/7pm instead on Wednesday? ?
  6. smurf, something came up, can we move it to Thursday night? ?
  7. lol, hokay!
  8. Fine I shall be there! And not square! (HO HO HO HO original joke.)
  9. :O

    Hmmm, how is like 9pm?
Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 100 of 865