Conversation Between LunarWeaver and The Summoner of Leviathan

865 Visitor Messages

  1. My drink of choice is Vodka-7/Sprite. :P

    Hey, why do I have to make all the choices? :P
  2. You boozehouse. I think maybe vodka and Sprite actually. I hear it's not bad. What do you say. I will leave everything up to you.
  3. lol, I got drunk last Sunday :P


    If you like almond-flavour. Amaretto Sours are pretty tasty~
  4. Then I am so am doing half a shot xD You will destroy me otherwise. Daniel didn't want to for who knows why. He doesn't have a mic either. I tried to get Pontus but that guy is too shy, even for me.

    I read Amaretto is good :desu:?
  5. :O Why didn't he want to do it with ya anyways?

    Ummm, so-so?

    :O, I am 170lbs. ?

    I have no clue about that, never eve drank that stuff. :/
  6. 11 is normally when I start talking to Daniel, but I'll just have to tell him that for one night we have to skip the conversation. I hope you are a terrible drunk and I get to make fun of you the next day.

    Although you have a leg up considering I weigh 115 pounds at the moment. I think I should have to take half as much as you I'm assuming you weigh a normal amount for a male, anyway.

    Well, you tell me the date and tell me what alcohol you prefer before then. Or, well... does anything mix well with Dr. Pepper? I have a lot at the moment.
  7. :O Awww, poor Kyle~

    Sure, it is a yes, though we will have to find a good time for it since I work evenings. I get home at like 11pm or later.
  8. Well, the thing is... You will laugh, lololol, I cannot swallow liquid very quickly. I can't actually do shots. I have tried many times and failed miserably. I will have to measure out the alcohol, mix it with something like soda, and then gulp it down. Tequila is out of the question. I have done vodka before and it wasn't too bad.

    Well, good! I have a webcam and a mic, obvi. So is this a yes? I'd have to buy the alchy first. I prefer something that doesn't cost 5 million dollars.
  9. Depends what you like to drink, everyone has different tastes. Like I love vodka. Tequila shots are awesome but I don't like starting with them. Jameson is cool too but has a bit of a kick. :P

    I have a headset plus a mic :P

  10. Well, I haven't had alcohol in forever. Literally 5 years. And back when I did drink, I did it all wrong. So I've been trying to find someone with a webcam to play a silly drinking game with me. Like we watch a terrible slasher movie and drink everytime someone dies. Something like that. But nobody will do it! And I'm not knowledgeable about alcohol either and don't know what to get. I know it can happen because I've watched movies online with people before. You just stream and downsize the MSN window and browser and then set them side-by-side.


    This would only work if you have a mic though.

    I fail at having fun. I just want to do something different for once.
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