Conversation Between Rengori and Goldenboko

303 Visitor Messages

  1. But I thought you would never admit how cool I am~

    No seriously, how the hell did this happen?
  2. Guess who I now consider cooler than the Fonz?

    Just to avoid you're retarded answer it's you, Goldenboko.
  3. Dynast Kid is dead, get over it.
  4. You're still a filthy whore.
  5. Don't call skt the new you, you're from the taint of the internet, skt is directly from the asshole.
  6. Good job *z.
  7. Dethklok, there's no a.
  8. That means shut up about it. Every trend you didn't overdo (which I don't think you can with this) you always talk about all the time, or make a thread about it.
  9. Viewing Who's Online @ 06:40 PM
    And stop viewing the who's online list, it's creepy.
  10. I feel now is the perfect time to tell you the differences between Death Metal and Black Metal. Death Metal consists of many randomly chosen brutal riffs, usually one good one in the whole batch, thrown together over a drum beat, usually just a blast beat, at whatever tempo the riffs were written in, with the singer being inaudible most of the time because you can't hear him over the your own laughter because he sounds like the smurfing cookie monster. And for some reason the bassist also has to be "really good," but in reality sucks and just plays with a pick. Black Metal, which is far superior over death metal in just about every way, is actually good. Well, most of it anyway.

    In short, don't say I listen to death metal, because I don't, because death metal is a pile of horse . Except Dethklok, but it's Dethklok so it's automatically up there on the same awesomeness level as Kefak.
Showing Visitor Messages 131 to 140 of 303