Conversation Between Pumpkin and Slothy

562 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm also making some FF crossword puzzles if you enjoy that type of thing
  2. I've been doing okay. I'll post up in the census thread and see if people are spamming and if I get no answers or 'no' answers, I'll spam people tomorrow!
  3. Just been a bit busy with some projects I'm working on at home. How have you been?

    PS: I may need some extra help spamming people for the census if you have the time. I'm not sure how much spam anyone else is perpetrating and entries have pretty much stopped after the initial burst.
  4. How are you? You seem a bit... quiet lately
  5. Well good I didn't sign up to run an event so that I could do stuff
  6. I'll try not to make you do stuff in the future.
  7. It is! And just when I sat down too. Makin me do stuff!!
  8. I believe this is a record for me taking my turn quickly.
  9. Your turn to Clue! Also, reminding everyone about the new 18 hour rule
  10. Your turn to Clue
Showing Visitor Messages 191 to 200 of 562