Conversation Between Pumpkin and Slothy

562 Visitor Messages

  1. It is humorous. I will send you exerts
  2. Can't say I have.
  3. Have you ever read the book How To Be A Canadian?
  4. Alrighty!
  5. Yes I do. And I'm just heading off to run some errands. I'll take my turn when I get back.
  6. Your turn

    Also, do you like my new smiley
  7. yaaaaay

    I can message you when its your turn if you want
  8. I can't keep up with the thread all of the time. But I'll take my turn tomorrow just for you.
  9. dont you make me tell you everytime its your turn.

    but dont take your turn until tonight so I can enjoy Easter without checking the computer kthx
  10. GO AWAY
Showing Visitor Messages 201 to 210 of 562