Conversation Between Karifean and Shauna

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. Aviary Attorney is something special.
  2. Amazing. Although I am kinda creeped out by the birds having arms. Science has gone too far.

    Anyway, probably gonna be a bit of fun. x}

    This, uh...


    umm, that's going to be a thing I guess.
  4. Yeah it's better than I feared ^^
    Now to decide how many copies to buy...
  5. CLANNAD today! Cheaper than I expected. Temptations rising...
  6. *hopes for a release sale*
  7. That is awfully steep. I won't be buying it straight away then. xD
  8. Oh geez looks like the CLANNAD price point is gonna be $50. Regardless of the fact that I think the game is easily worth that much I really fear for its accessibility now.
  9. It was tomorrow for me because I went to sleep. xD

    I liked it. Left me all melancholy. I need to read the second part, I am guessing it is roughly the same length. Maybe today!
  10. "Tomorrow" is a funny way of saying in 1 hour =P

    But yeah there's a lot of new and upcoming releases. And I love it! XD

    So, what did you think of Narcissu? ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 48
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