Conversation Between Pumpkin and sharkythesharkdogg

1348 Visitor Messages

  1. Nice
  2. The shotgun bit is partially true, but it really depends on the slug size/amount of slugs. They're talking about buck shot, which I think, has between 5-7 slugs in a single shell. So each slug is a little small. They have shells available that only have on or two slugs in each shot. That increases the size substantially. That's when you develop serious stopping power, and penetrating power. That's also when the accuracy goes away even more, because unless it's a rifled shotgun barrel, you're basically shooting a modern musket ball. So they're great for room-to-room combat, but beyond about 20 feet away you're not going to hit much.

    As for snipers, they're totally correct. Head shots are just fun for the game. Snipers are trained to aim for center mass. Especially with the power behind modern sniper rifles, a slug in the chest will immediately kill almost every target. The exit wound sizes are devastating. Think of a baseball sized hole starting halfway through your chest. Even if they don't die immediately, the odds of them getting stabilized before they bleed out from a massive abdomen/chest wound are pretty low.
  3. (SPOILER)ndicates many times the guns in games such as Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 are first made "extremely accurate, based on factory stats and more" then toned down, not just for balancing reasons, but because of "the drive to make guns feel like the ones we've seen in movies." Like shotguns loaded with buckshot: People associate shotguns with powerful, close-range weapons ... So a shotgun blast [in the game] will punch through walls and armor just fine, even though buckshot is known for its lack of penetration in the real world.

    • Sniper Rifles are especially the case for this. One of the earliest sniping games, Silent Scope, gave bonuses for head shots because they were more challenging. This has led to the trope of sniper rifles in games only killing on a head shot - even though real sniper rifles will kill on a shot anywhere above the waist, which is a far preferable shot precisely because aiming at the head has a high chance of missing.

    Is true?
  4. Aww <3
  5. He looks fine to me. I like how they've aged 2-3 years, and all look like they're in their mid to late 20's.
  6. Well I DID block! (Actually command throw. 6 times. Ugh.)
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 1348