Conversation Between Karifean and Fynn

923 Visitor Messages

  1. Moe Evangelion? XD
  2. Of course it was gonna happen, but the realization just kinda hit me that it already has. Makes me wonder how long it'll take before I'll get over my love for Key, or even 07th Expansion.

    On an unrelated note, if you have two minutes to spare, I'm curious, what does this trailer make you think of the game in question? =P
  3. Well, no wonder, really. Time passes, more games come out, our tastes diversify in some ways and get more specific in others. Strong opinions just aren't as strong later. I think that may be a part of growing up, actually. Becoming a bit more distanced from things, seeing them more rationally, etc.
  4. The Fav and least Fav FF Things topic made me realize I've grown pretty indifferent to FF overall =/
  5. I'll probably remain a filthy "Japanese voice da best" casual for him ^^
  6. Well that's good to hear! We'll probably wait for it a bit longer because A) we've made a habit of starting only shows that have already concluded and B) Ania has only seen the anime for the first one, so she wants to play the two games first.
  7. DR3 anime is off to a good start =P
  8. Hmm... Maybe modern fiction. But when you think of the origins of Western literature, that being Greek drama, most of them aimed to achieve a sense of catharsis rather than a happy ending. So you get tragic heroes who get punished for bad deeds they did not really commit out of malice receive judgment. So you know, depends on the perspective
  9. #foodforthought

  10. kk, I was just feeling like battling them once more and I was wondering if you had any ideas for a fun challenge fight =P
Showing Visitor Messages 291 to 300 of 923