Conversation Between Galuf and Fynn

535 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm at work, sorry
  2. I uh i thought i done something wrong... Um... Yeah. Thats why. Um do you want to play tffcc or are you busy
  3. God damnit why do you keep apologizing
  4. It was my birthday yesterday. So i can drink now. Im so sorry though.
  5. But you said you can't legally drink yet!
  6. Woahahoho. Sorry man i sent you those nominations xD wow. Sorry i uh i was drinking last night and um thats probably why
  7. Woah. Sorry man. I forgot how to post a private message. Anyway. Ill telk you for most helpful is: Jen Sefie199ad and shaibana. Sorry i mean i went out to drink for my 18th birthday. Lol anyway i hope you accept this for now
  8. I um i not mean to be so late i wass up all night helping my friend on a game and today i was doing the same with another. bbut if you wwant i can play now.
  9. I can play with you now, if you'd like!
  10. Yeah i dont mean to apologise so much. I just get worried/scared im doing something wrong you see. Im trying to get better though. Thanks to Miss sefie Miss jen Miss Shaibana and Sir Spoony. I put those titles infront because i admire their heroic deeds lol...
Showing Visitor Messages 341 to 350 of 535