Conversation Between Karifean and Fynn

923 Visitor Messages

  1. You've got that backwards. It's precisely because I've played the game that I can say these words.

    The plot adds to Final Fantasy VII's world and overall story in many ways. Deepground serves well to deliver the message that just because the heroes saved the world and even if Midgar did get destroyed in the process, ShinRa's past deeds are still as vile as always and that is something that cannot be ignored if the world is to move on. Perhaps Deepground is a bit forced in, but it plays so well to the game's themes that it's easily forgivable. It gives the heroes a tangible enemy and a sense of urgency to not content themselves with what they've already done, but rather continue to clean up the mess ShinRa left them with.

    The five-second-cameos did no more or less than put a smile on the faces of those who truly love Final Fantasy VII and have also accepted Dirge of Cerberus for being a different type of game. It's a simple reference, but that's all it needs to be; these characters are not the focus of the story, it'd be perfectly justified to not have them show up, but just to give the fans a moment to squee they have them show up anyways. If that's not love for the fans, what is?

    If you claim the creators failed to reach out to your own love of Final Fantasy VII, surely there is some blame to put with them. But they did try, and I will not let the denial of their efforts stand. There is no justification for calling Dirge of Cerberus an abomination, much less compare it or put it below All The smurfing Bravest which had absolutely none of any of this sort of thought put into it.

    (Also this is the part where I stop caring because I don't really *like* the plot of Dirge of Cerberus per se)


    "Well now. Surely you will not let this cancerous 'hope' and 'trust' for something so vile stand like this? I expect an interesting show of it being torn to shreds. Don't bore me, okay...?"

  2. Are you insane? Have you even played that piece of junk? You can't have - otherwise you would never use "Dirge of Cerberus" and "enjoyable" in a single sentence. Love for fans? Don't make me laugh.

    While the actual merits of the fanservice and... enjoyability of the gameplay can be debated, there is no way this game was made by people who understood what made Final Fantasy VII great, or even how its mythos works. The plot is nonsensical and overrides everything the heroes of FFVII accomplished. The nonesensical, completely unscientific faith Hojo and Lucrecia place in Omega is just asinine and everything that happens in the game - from the forced, 5-secon cameos from characters that were actually popular, to the sense that Deepground fails to make by any stretch of the word - feels like it was churned out by an incompetent monkey at best, let alone anyone with any "love for the fans", as you mentioned.

    Let's see you break through that. I dare you to find one, logical proof, that Dirge of Cerberus, was made with love.

    (also, Bern is kinda right )

  3. Fine, I concede that point. There are times where All The Bravest can be enjoyed. As rare an occurrence as that may be, the possibility can't be denied.

    But I'm disappointed, Byakuya. You should know better than to look at things so one-sidedly. Here is my counter to your argument.

    The fact that All The Bravest 'can' be enjoyed is far outweighed by Dirge of Cerberus being a game that is inherently much more fun to play! Simply by aiming higher and having an incomparably higher amount of effort put into the execution, the ways in which Dirge of Cerberus can be enjoyed greatly outclasses the unbelievably monotone (even for mobile games!) All The Bravest.

    Furthermore, Dirge of Cerberus uses its fanservice well to make the game more enjoyable. Playing as a Cerberus-wielding Vincent protecting the general populace is delightful! On top of that, the gameplay has a lot of individual elements put in with great care to make the playing experience as varied and rewarding for your trust, time and effort as possible. None of this can be said for All The Bravest! Assaulting big bads with an army of barely recognizable sprites gets old so fast you'll be bored of the game before it even gets the chance to ask for your money!

    There can only be one conclusion. All The Bravest is a travesty that should never have come into existence. Meanwhile Derge of Cerberus is an enjoyable game crafted with love for fans that dig its concept. With this I have pierced all of your statements. Do you have a counterargument??


    "You're putting way too much effort into this, you know. And still your arguments are full of holes."

    Shut up, Bern.

  4. Your ignorance goes even deeper than I could ever have anticipated, Makoto. You overlook even the most blatant of evidence against your cause, despite the fact that it's right under your nose.

    Quote Originally Posted by Galuf View Post
    FF ATB was fun time waster that was free DoC was none of those

    ATB can offer a fun distraction for those taking a boring commute to work or school. It's a brainless distraction, but it never tries to be anything else, nor invest you in any substantial manner. DoC? That travesty of a game takes long hours attempting to get you invested, baiting you with subtle nods to the original popular product, feeding off our nostalgia, only to feed you the vilest of bile. Dirge of Cerberus is undeniably the worst game of the two simply for the reach it had. At least All The Bravest was nipped in the bud by word of mouth.

    You should just give up before you humiliate yourself any further.
  5. Something that raised no expectations to begin with can't be considered "the worst".
    That's wrong! Regardless of the expectations of the consumer, All The Bravest was not created with any sort of intention of making a good game, it was created for no other reason than to make quick money off gullible consumers. It's a travesty. Enjoying All The Bravest for what it is is all but impossible.

    Dirge of Cerberus on the other hand was created with the capability to be fun. And fun can be had with it! Quite a lot, in fact! This alone is more than can be said for All The Bravest which is a failure no matter what way you look at it. Going by the games themselves, there is not a single thing All The Bravest does better than Dirge of Cerberus!


    a nineteen year old in a 10-year-old's body

    "Oh, please."

  6. And what do you have to substantiate that claim? Hm? The pointless clicking, the money leeching? ATB was fated to be a failure from the start. It had no story, just pure, shameless fanservice. Something that raised no expectations to begin with can't be considered "the worst". It's just nothing more than a shameful stain on the company.

    Dirge of Cerberus on the other hand? A haphazzardly constructed story that makes zero sense within the context of an established universe. Mountains of lore that is completely unfitting with what we know of Final Fantasy VII, an idiot scientist who bases all her data on an in-universe fairy tale, a nineteen year old in a 10-year-old's body, color-themed antagonists, not to mention the horrible game system that made Vincent seem cripled, and that damn graphical style that made me want to throw up because it was giving me migraines. And let's not forget Gackt.

    Dirge of Cerberus promised to be a sequel to one of the most iconic games of our generation, on one of the most popular systems of all time. And it failed spectacularly. As opposed to a mobile game that many fans of the series overlook due to the medium, and which are very often exploitative money sinks. And that is undeniable proof that DoC is the worse pile of trout of the two.
  7. All The Bravest is the one truly awful thing to come out of the Final Fantasy series. There exist no facts that can overturn this conclusion!!
  8. wat XD
  9. Nope, still think DoC is worse

    (My Bullet was "Fynn has trout taste")
  10. Oh, I know what you mean. All these... people, eugh
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