Conversation Between Karifean and Fynn

923 Visitor Messages

  1. I don't think so. The entirety of the finale is heavily reliant on info from the first game. Sure, you get a sorta recap, but it's kinda hard to wrap your head around if you haven't really "been there", I would imagine
  2. I'm actually starting to wonder if playing DR2 before experiencing DR1 in any form is even that much of a big deal. Sure you're gonna miss some things and DR2 spoils everything about DR1, but I think it might work decently well as a standalone game?
  3. He should be fine, I think. I mean, I think the game is better than the anime, but at least he knows the story
  4. Btw I got one of my friends to play DR2 as well ^^ he's only seen the anime of the first game and rarely reads visual novels but he's liking it so far =)
  5. It's up.
  6. Cool

    But yeah, I really wanna read your general thoughts on DR2 in that review piece. I can't really decide myself whether it's better or weaker than the first game, but it definitely took the concept in some very interesting directions. My favorite about the whole game is how it was much crazier and way more meta than the original. I think it's a great example of subverting player expectation in a really great way that enhances the narrative of the game instead of distracting from it.
  7. Ah I see. I don't remember reading this, so I might just catch up on that.
  8. Nope, it's another one, though the time for those two will come as well It's this. Like I said, this is super old and I can't help but cringe at it, but it kinda shows the general idea of where I;m going with this (I guess? The second chapter more than the first). So yeah, now I'm rewriting this and hopefully going on to write the rest.
  9. Nice to hear! And well I've read your blog so if you're talking about Crosswords or Eden I have indeed read them =P
  10. Well, I sure enjoyed reading the last one, so I'm looking forward to it

    Whereas I think I may finally be making some progress on my novel. I'm rewriting the first two chapters because I've written them so long ago it's embarassing to even look at my writing from back then. They're actually here in Timber Maniacs if you ever miss my stories and have an urge to read somethin (though I'm not sure if you haven't read them already? Idk. You're still my beta, though, so you'll be getting the new chapters once I finish my manuscript )
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