Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. I mean, I still think Stars was decent. It did a lot of things I don’t agree with and when I learned what happened in the manga at this point it was clear the animated version was lackluster, but it was still a very nice end to the series with very pretty visuals and some fun filled. Chibi-Chibi is also just precious.

    It’s definitely not as bad as Supers, though I still enjoyed that as a kid. Though hearing Kaworu’s voice actor sound 100% like a woman as Fisheye was a treat I appreciate to this day. I’m also very curious how the Sailor Moon Eternal movies will handle the Dream Arc because I vaguely recall it being very good in the manga, so perhaps this new version will do it justice. Crystal has only been better from season to season thus far
  2. I like S, but some people in my life kind of ruined it for me. I do agree it's probably the last really good season of the original.
  3. Interesting choice! I also have a lot of nostalgia for it, but I was also five when it aired here. My personal favorite has always been S, though, since it was darker, mire atmospheric, and I could actually follow the plot more
  4. The first season with the Dark Moon Kingdom is my favorite. It's the one I have the most nostalgia for.
  5. So I’ve been on a weird Sailor Moon kick lately. I remember you being a fan so I was going to ask which season was your favorite.
  6. Thanks man, I appreciate it.
  7. Lots of love, man! If you ever feel like you wanna talk, you know where to find me
  8. I am starting to get annoyed that Youtube keeps trying to compile stuff I've watched into Mix sets. Sometimes I just want to hear a particular song, not wade through a whole list to find it.
  9. Nice! This has been popping up in my suggestions lately for some reason. YouTube is weird like that
  10. Found another song for you. How about a classic hit by an Irish band now sung in Mandarin for a cool indie Hong Kong film from the early 2000s?
Showing Visitor Messages 481 to 490 of 6688