Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, I was late to the party too. But now the whole party knows it and now we just communicate in memes from that video
  2. Funny enough, I had never seen it until this last weekend.
  3. hehe

    That is literally my favorite thing on the Internet
  4. Oh my god you got that from this didn't you?

  5. Yeah, it makes sense, though. And still, even though Poland may dislike Germany, it's Russia we're kinda scared of

    We're like

    And they're like

  6. I've been told I sound British, though it's probably my slight southern drawl.
  7. Lol, funny to think how my country has a reverse mentality on Germany and Russia than yours. Course it's traced back to the Cold War mentality which is still very strong today.
  8. On that note, Formy said I sound German the first time he heard me So maybe that's why I'm not prejudiced against them
  9. Yeah... Though there's still kind of the ethnicity thing that makes Germans more disliked. Russians are Slavonic, so people kind of feel like they're "family" in a way. It's stupid and backwards, but since Europe is so overwhelmingly white, this is the shape that racism takes - you discriminate fello white guys because they descend from a different tribe than you Especially scary now with nationalistic tendencies on the rise again

    Though you know, as usual, the more educated people are far more open and understand that these things are very nuanced and stuff. Putin is disliked, but the general consensus on Russia is pretty okay.
  10. Well they were more recent weren't they, though I would figure Russia is not very popular over there either.
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