Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. I haven't read the mang, but we're watching Brotheehood now and oh man, this is amazing!
  2. Yes to both.
  3. Have you seen FMA: Brotherhood, or maybe read the FMA manga?
  4. Congratulations on the job. Good luck with the FF marathon.

    I'm doing this. SJ is burning me out a bit, I need a distraction if I want to finish it.
  6. Just keep exploiting her weakness to fire and make some demons that can reflect physical if she tries using Disaster Cycle or Wave of Death.
  7. I think I only have one Bead Chain left now, though :/ This is gonna suck.
  8. Well congratulations!
  9. I'm hoping to get back to my stories as well soon! I'm also still getting on what you sent me, so I'll give you some feedback soon

    I actually managed to beat Ouroboros between our messages
  10. Meh not bad. I'm still struggling with my NaNoWriMo because I keep getting distracted with other projects. I've resurrected two stories I haven't touched in years, started doing preliminary work on a film script I want to do and I got myself sucked back into DQIX when I realized I had not finished it.
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