Conversation Between Pumpkin and Skyblade

263 Visitor Messages

  1. The good news is that I've been working towards setting this job up since October, so I've had a period to adjust to it. I don't do well with fast change, so having plenty of time makes it easier to cope. Plus, been too busy to stress much.

    How is your own schooling going?
  2. Oh that's awesome, congratulations! That's so great you already have a job lined up and everything too. Might be stressful at first with all of the changes but I'm sure you can overcome that and it'll be a positive for you
  3. I recognize most of your avatars, though. I think.

    I'm in much the same boat. This semester has been incredibly rough. I'm graduating with my Associate's in less than a month now. But working full time plus taking four classes is a nightmare. I learned some neato stuff (even the class I was told would be boring and easy taught some really cool stuff), and overall I had a great time.

    I already have a job lined up at the end of May to take advantage of my degree, though. Which is awesome. And terrifying. So many changes. But it's the first step towards a role to a bigger future.
  4. I change up my avatar pretty often ;D This is Irene from the PSP RPG Hexyz Force. I love her hair curls!

    I've been alright. In some pain today and majorly stressed about upcoming exams and stuff. The end of the semester cannot come fast enough. But it did go very well, I learned a lot, and I was fortunate enough to have a successful semester grades wise.

    How are you?
  5. New Avatar! Which character is this?
    And how have you been, Pumpkin?
  6. Sofia is back up in the tournament!
  7. Dun forget to vote
  8. RF3 and P4 are in the new character tournament bracket
  9. Well I'm glad to hear it!
Showing Visitor Messages 71 to 80 of 263