Conversation Between LunarWeaver and The Summoner of Leviathan

865 Visitor Messages

  1. Nobody understands me sense of humor, Bobby. Rescue me. Do something positive with your life.
  2. Apparently she does well this time of year, any complaints or suggestions I should give her?
  3. [your mom joke]
  5. I tell you one thing, Bobster, I got myself a Respec mod nice and fast. I needed to undo all of Morrigan's stats and specialty and reassign them ASAP. She starts out with some useless junk, and Shapeshifting is by far the worst. I turned her into a power machine
  6. I think it is still supposed to fall to either way, unless you choose not to sacrifice yourself. :/

  7. I beat it once playing "nice" and things fell to at the end, strangely enough. I won't say anything if you have only read spoilers rather than experienced it. I'm playing it again for the sole reason of seeing the differences between Morrigan and Alistair at the end with these new choices.

    Blood Magic has a spell that is like Crushing Prison except it has a huge area of effect. Morrigan's Crushing Prison + my Crushing Prison + Blood Boil (or whatever it's called) = Battles won so easily it's almost boring.
  8. Yeah, especially if you read spoilers for the end! :P

    Zevran is easier than me :P

    ALISTAIR! *humps*

    I want blood magic, I am almost there. I'm replaying as a Elf Mage who hates humans, in general (is only nice to Alistair at key moments) and likes money. Morally ambiguous just because you can't raise your own darkspawn army. :/
  9. She's a special individual, that one. Alistair was much easier. God knows Zevran is easy. That man is a whore.

    I has blood magick :moo: I make deals with demons as entertainment.
  10. CRACK? YOU DID NOT BUY IT? Bad boy!

    Yeah, I heard she's a bit of a pain. :/
Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 865