Conversation Between Freya and Ayen

149 Visitor Messages

  1. Only weird people don't have pets or want them. Are you weird?
  2. Pretty sure I'm allergic to fur too.

    The problem with having any pet is the lack of room and funds for one. A fish probably wouldn't be very expensive, but the only place I could see putting it is the kitchen table which would irritate my dad. Unless I clear out the desk by my window.

    I don't want a pet, though...
  3. Yeah they live a while. But why not! Having pets is awesome, even if they are just fishies!

    *peer pressure for pets*

    OH can you have like... bunnies? are you allergic to that too?
  4. I'm mainly thinking about goldfishes, aren't I?
  5. Nu uh! I had Godzilla Gorilla Magilla Gorilla Garmi who didn't even die after i put him outside cause he killed all my fish and my cat wouldn't even eat him. That thing lived for years. I won him at a carnival.
  6. Nowhere to put it.

    Fishes die too quickly, too. It'd bum me out.
  7. not even a fish?

    Get a fish dude.
  8. I don't know. I don't have pets. I am allergic to cats and dogs alike. When I was born my parents had to give up their pets
  9. smurf, mine are. I had to get another one so the first one would stop attacking me so much. Now I feel bad for the little one but she holds her own. She's a screamer though.

    Is that mean? She asks for it sometimes though. She bothers the fat trout cat until she attacks so she deserves it sometimes.
  10. Cats are vicious!
Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 149