Conversation Between Karifean and Fynn

923 Visitor Messages

  1. In all seriousness, Ghost Trick is pretty friggin' spectacular. The presentation is just something incredibly original, as it mimics a stage play with a lot of elements of theater language that go beyond just superficial things. The puzzles are cool, if a bit stressful due to the fact that a lot of them rely on very specific timing, and some of them involve some Moon Logic, which is often frustrating. The story and characters, however, are just stellar. It's super fun and mostly on the lighthearted side, but it has shades of crime noir that just keep making you want to know about this whole mystery. Though stylistically it's far from a visual novel, I actually think this game might be right up your alley
  2. Well okay then :P
  3. So you've played Ghost Trick, have you? What's it like?
  4. Well looks like I'm not getting Wicked Flight out of my head anytime soon.
  5. I probably picked the nicest looking portrait

    If you're not unlucky, the LP thing is not a big deal, and the four camp sets are actually just enough to get you from town to town or through a dungeon. And later you get to learn some rare abilities that let you heal LP, which is cool. But even if you do restore them, characters usually get minor injuries like sprained knees and stuff like that which reduce some of their stats to a small degree if they lose all their EP in battle. So it's still important to rest often anyway. It's pretty balanced.
  6. Sounds pretty fun. I don't know much about Baldur's Gate as I've only seen it played a couple of times and didn't really get what was going on but I've looked at a video of Pillars and I do remember that general style.

    That take on health is really neat. I like the idea of that the more you exert yourself the longer term the effects will be. Though is the game difficult enough so that you actually lose a noteworthy amount of LP on a regular basis? Because that could be a pitfall for this kind of system.

    Backstory-determining dialog options are something I'd love to see more often myself :P I like the idea quite a lot.

    Looks pretty intimidating O.o
  7. As for the game I am focusing on rn, Pillars of Eternity is going pretty frickin' swell. It's like Baldur's Gate, but new. I'm really enjoying myself and there's a couple interesting solutions to combat. Like, you can't boost yourself before combat, because priest spells only work in combat. There's also abilities that have specific numbers of uses per encounter instead of per rest, which is really cool. And I have this guy of the chanter class (really nice guy, by the way. Such a warm and fuzzy character with an interest in everything art/book/culture/architecture related. A huge nerd with shark teeth, basically) and he is awesome, because he can battle normally and just keeps chanting in the meantime, buffing the party, and when he chants he accumulates points that can be used to cast spells, the most useful of which are summoning spells. So though you have to wait, his spells are super worth it and can be cast again and again because he just keeps recharging those points as he sings.

    There also isn't any HP, instead there are Endurance Points and Life Points. A character usually gets knocked out after they lose all endurance points, but they get up after battle and all their EP gets restored pretty quickly. Now, EP acts like a sort of like a shield for your LP, and if your LP level is below your max EP level, you can only reach that number with your EP (for example, you normally have 80 EP, but your LP got reduced to 60, so you only get to restore up to 60 EP). Once your LP reach 0 and you wake up after battle, you get 1 LP and have the maimed status, and if you reach 0LP then, you die. It's pretty easy to restore EP, but you can only restore LP while resting, which isn't as easy as it sounds, because outside of towns you can only rest using a camping set, which you can only carry four of.

    Aside from that, the story is cool and there's a lot of dialog options, some of which even determine your backstory, so that's pretty neat. You get to create your character from scratch, and I'm playing an Aumaua, which is this big race with shark-like characteristics, and here's my character's portrait (SPOILER)
  8. I suppose. I've never actually owned a portable console before. I also feel like it's been forever since I last played a new game (with game-y gameplay) and got completely hooked by it.
  9. Still, there's worse ways of spending money than on a 3DS If you managed to get the New 3DS, you'd even be able to play Xenoblade Chronicles which, quite incidentally, is my favorite game of all time
Showing Visitor Messages 491 to 500 of 923