Conversation Between LunarWeaver and CimminyCricket

168 Visitor Messages

  1. Yo mamma's so fat, when she wears a red dress, the kids in the neighborhood yell, "Hey, Kool-Aid!"

    I tried ;_;
  2. Maybe I can get more in the next one?
  3. Ohh, I'm sure his fascination has moved on by now. I hope, anyway. I'm tired D: Too tired to add anything else to this. This is all you get.
  4. This is why I love you. Also, the thing with him saying what he said, was almost a year ago xD I just recently told Roto because Roto brought dude up. xD
  5. Well, I've been gone for like 2 weeks. I was all behind the times. I hope he has a voodoo doll of you and is trying to turn you into a big faggot. Because that would be funny. For me, not for you. /BizarreImagination
  6. Yeah, it's kind of creepeh D: and you're just now hearing of this? xD
  7. I hear Ceej fancies you. I HEAR he uses a whole container of Crisco at the very mention of your name.

    Okay I exaggerated a bit on that one.
  8. Oooh, what kind of Legos? Old school Legos? Star Wars Legos? Nonsense castle Legos? I can't wait!
  9. I'd save only you from a burning building. And then we'd play with Legos.
  10. Making fun of me isn't a hobby anymore? D:
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 168