Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. It's not a bad idea, but stick with just what your party needs. This game is a bit better about having a variety of items to find in dungeons for your party so it's not imperative.

    How are you feeling about the game so far?
  2. Sorry I haven't responded to your story bit yet The weekend's over so I'm busy again, but I promise to get to it soon. For now, I can just tell you I think it sounds very interesting and I'll try to be as detailed in my feedback as I can because I think this has potential
  3. I've reached Romaria. Do you think it's as necessary to grind and buy everything in this game as in the others? The stuff in here is pretty expensive and I could spend days here if I wanted to outfit everyone fully.
  4. Okay
  5. Also you need to check out the Project Setsuna website because the music is gorgeous.
  6. No problem I completely understand. Take your time!
  7. That's good. He seemed a little flat so I was hoping you had some master plan for him. I still haven't had a chance to look over the thing you sent me. I've been a bit busy with some articles and Christmas stuff. Sorry about that.
  8. By the way, I've decided to play a bit more with Samael's backstory. He's been body-surfing humans for thousands of years - I might try to give him even more reason for his bitterness, like maybe he fell in love, trusted someone, whatever, and got betrayed or something. Maybe he managed to take over a Thaumaturges before but was tHwarted? Idk, Ill still think about it, but talking to you has made me realize there was a lot more I could do with him
  9. If you need money, the Merchant is a good class. They're pretty balanced stat wise and they teach good explorations skills.
  10. I took the party that was there from the beginning. I have Marcella the warrior, Ernst the Priest, and Rosa the Mage. I also created a merchant - Trevor - but I haven't used him yet.
Showing Visitor Messages 5501 to 5510 of 6688