Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, the bosses were not a high point in this entry originally. Except for Majora and the Undead King.
  2. Not doable now since they added those eye weak points. People complain about them but I like them. I feel Zelda bosses are supposed to be puzzles. The original incarnation of Odalwa was pretty dumb imo with how you could just wail on it with everything you had
  3. Damn straight, though I find it hilarious that I never used it properly in the boss fight for his dungeon. I just sniped the boss with arrows every time it passed by.
  4. Goron Link is best Link.
  5. Oh believe me, I completely agree. I disliked the Zora form and the dungeons associated with mainly for the swimming being terrible in general.
  6. So I’m not big on the Zora Mask. And this is not the issue of them nerfing the form since I actually consider the slower swimming speed an improvement as I used to hit every wall in the original version. I’m just not a fan of swimming in these games, at all. It’s honestly a wonder that I love the Cistern so much
  7. Yeah, it’s tough getting there
  8. Oh no, I believe that too, but if you haven't gotten to the point it's a habit, then I feel it gets weird for people until it does.
  9. Eh, idk. Most of the writers I’ve heard from say they have to make it a habit rather than wait for inspiration to strike. The more you write the easier it gets
  10. I imagine it would be weird to be on a schedule. I often feel most writers prefer to write when they feel like it or when inspiration hits, rather than being told they have to sit in front of a pad of paper or word document and told to they have to keep writing something until an hour or two has passed.
Showing Visitor Messages 561 to 570 of 6688