Conversation Between Croyles and Christmas

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. So you saved the day with your electric toothbrush?
  2. Do Julio like playing with knifes?
  3. Christmas, you are licous!
  4. Julio is alway so romantic.
  5. Yeah we're related. Its also interesting to note that she is dating my neighbour/arch rival.
    For some reason we now have a plague on both our houses.
  6. Are you related to Juliet by any chance?
  7. Havnt danced with a tiger yet but if your the tiger then I accept the offer!
  8. Did Julio ever dance with tigers? Julio should try it sometimes.
  9. Oh dear.
  10. Take good care of yourself, KK?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 36
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