Conversation Between Calliope and Sephex

40 Visitor Messages

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  1. Awesome!
  2. Oh, and that's pretty sweet that you pre-emptively apologized. *fistbump*
  3. I'm pretty upset actually...that it took you that long! I was waiting for it xD
  4. I agree with you, don't get me wrong, but I wanted to make that joke. I do apologize if it actually upset you.
  5. I'm not mad at you, Justin. I just expected better from EoFF's Best Male.
  6. I had to, I'm sorry.
  7. We good!
  8. I ran out of points, I gave them all to myself when I looked in the mirror this morning =/
  9. Oh, my bad. I thought actually everyone knew about it since people complain about it so much. Yeah, so you get it. I was basically making fun of that who scene in general, really.
  10. I just googled "neckbeard". Man, the things I'm learning today!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 40
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