Conversation Between Levian and NeoCracker

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. Something terrible, I'm sure. I just assume most people have done something worthy of getting socked in the Jaw for.
  2. whatd i do!
  3. Had I the energy, I would sock you right in the jaw.
  4. You put your faith in the wrong person my friend.

    Perhaps I am the one you should worry about.
  5. oh he can take us down anytime he want. he's one of them you know. like denise
  6. Alright then, I guess I'll just focus all attention on you, completely ignoring the existance of Psychotic and leaving myself wide open to any plan he may have laying in wait to take me down.
  7. eh I'm not too worried, Psychotic will eventually eliminate himself in one way or another i figure
  8. The real issue here is what are we going to do about Psy? NOt saying he is going to pose a massive problem for both of us, I just want to watch him cringe without having to worry about getting backstabbed, as watching one suffer is an activity best done when relaxed and worry free.
  9. i fall down on a regular basis, i don't think it's specific to the holidays
  10. WE're not secretly planning your downfall, which most definately is NOT going to take place Christmas eve.
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