Conversation Between demondude and Jiro

733 Visitor Messages

  1. Scum of the Earth but I want the money, frankly. Also balances out my other job so I'm not doing the same thing for hours. Coffee by day - party by night. With children. New hours start Wednesday.
  2. That's a little bit concerning. I thought you hated children. I'd never be able to work with kids, I'm strictly a in-short-bursts kind of guy when it comes to entertaining them.
  3. Speaking of bills, I may well be earning a job at a children's activity centre. There's a thought.
  4. I would like to write a paper on that topic but it would only get lulz on the internet and wouldn't pay my bills.
  5. Yeah but the rabbit is the tragic hero. Everybody loves the rabbit.
  6. Do you really think you can outrun me? I outran all of the terminators and still managed to take a break. And I didn't lose like the stupid rabbit.
  7. That relatively creepy message was made worse by the fact that it was the 666th, sooooo .... *smurfing runs*
  8. I'm not going to come near you
  9. It's a bit weird that you have a favourite type of furnace to be honest. Don't ... come near me.
  10. My favourite type of furnace is one that wouldn't kill me if I jumped in it. Alternatively, one that exploded and somehow during that created a fantastic sculpture.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 733