Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. So SMT IV: Final is gonna be called SMTIV: Apocalypse in English and it's coming to America this summer!

  2. Well, I hope you're right. Though sometimes I swear it's been taking me years to get into my groove
  3. Yeah, that is what was going on for me for awhile as well. I usually have my novel open as a tab on my computer constantly, but I don't work on it nearly as much as I would like. I feel for me it was just taking that next step that I needed to get back to it, and the critiques I got started to make me reconsider how I was approaching the story as well, so I'm already thinking about ways to improve it before submission.

    I feel you're just not yet in the groove you need to be in, but I'm sure it's coming.

  4. Ever feel like a creative wreck?

    For the last couple of days, i've been trying to sit down and write my novel. key word: trying, because I always end up doing nothing. And this despite the fact that seeing you move with this is incredibly inspiring.

    Has my well gone dry? I sure hope not because there's so many stories I still wanted to tell. Ugh
  5. Yeah, that's true.
  6. Yeah, everyone needs it. Friends are good for this, but you know they'll always be more light on you. Not because they want to be nice, even if they do, but mostly because they read the thing differently from an impartial, isolated reader.
  7. I feel I need it.
  8. These guys can be pretty brutal, I'll tell you hwat
  9. Yeah, I'm definitely going to do another revision of future chapters before posting in the future. I got nailed for some really amateurish things. Still a far cry better than the manuscripts from middle school but not by much.
  10. You can count on me

    I should be able to give some more critiques soon and post my Valentine's Day story, but after that, i plan to upload my own novel. I am currently completely rewriting chapters 1 and 2. I've written them so long ago I can hardly recognize them as mine anymore
Showing Visitor Messages 4911 to 4920 of 6688