Conversation Between Ayen and Christmas

58 Visitor Messages

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  1. Your new set is scary.
  2. It best be reinforce steel.
  3. But you aren't Lord Postalot until recently!!!

    Christmas missed my great Lord!! Lord Postalot should never leave my sight!

    I think I need a chain for you.
  4. I've been back for a couple of weeks, now. Posting my posts, and threading my threads. I've been sharing my video game reviews, too.

    How is Christmas?
  5. Lord Postalot is back.

    to POST.
  6. Hell no! I was so confused that I actually went and get some toilet paper for him.

    It's just so weird and awkward.
  7. Wat?

    Was it unisex?
  8. Omg Tori, I was in the restroom today and this guy just walk in and went straight to a cubicle like there's nothing weird!

    And guess what, he shouted up to me for some toilet paper.
  9. No.
  10. I read a bit about Game of Thrones through wiki but never watch it. Do you think it is suitable for someone that fear blood and gore?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 58
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