Conversation Between Old Manus and Lone Wolf Leonhart

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. Save us.

    Only you have the power to free us from an eternal Christmas.
  2. But I don't like that.

    Bring her back.

    Or I'll use auto-life myself
  3. All that is left is her cold, dead, corpse
  4. I know you hid Christmas

    bring Christmas back nao

  5. lol David Blaine
  6. In an effort to appear sociable, I'm giving everyone on my current page of usernotes a usernote.
  7. OH yes, I DARE question the tinkle of the ivory.
  8. You dare question my location?
  9. How do you tinkle an ivory.
  10. So I was going to wish you a happy LATE birthday, but apparently you don't age xD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
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