Conversation Between TasteyPies and Ultima Shadow

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. XD!

    Well, I'm actually spending far too much time at the computer, myself. About 5-6 hours every day...

    But it's so hard to come up with something else to do on my free time. When I just don't know what to do, I simply turn on the computer. Computers are the ultimate entertainments.
  2. Oh-My-God! That's a pretty damn lot. I don't think I've ever played a game that have taken that much of my time... even though I feel that I need it sometimes. Are you ever playing any other games? Ever doing ANYTHING else? XD

    Not much, actually. I've had a summer job for 2 weeks, been playing a few games, spent a few hours here every day etc. I'm also watching GSD every week. Gah, I'm just hanging around and doing whatever I can do to entertain myself.
  3. Well, why don't you post anymore? Does Dark Age of Camelot take too much of your time?

    Sure, there's not much intressting going on at the moment but... man, you're a classic EoFFer!
  4. I think I fell out of popularity.
    That's too bad... for you! HA! *burns a city*
  5. Your usernotes are dying.... no one posts here anymore.
  6. Yea... blueberry pie > everything else that could be considered food.
  7. And now I'm sad.....
  8. Now I'm, HAPPY AGAIN!!!
  9. NO MORE USERNOTES!? :weep:
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 42
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