Conversation Between Quindiana Jones and theundeadhero

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. A motel with a view, that serves breakfast on the roof.
  2. What's your view on pastry?
  3. You and your children and your grandchildren will wear smocks forever!
  4. I've been away, ALRIGHT????

    I'll do it for you now, honey.
  5. We went through all that trouble to give you you avatar back because you didn't appreciate the new one we gave you, and you didn't even appreciate it! You haven't even uploaded it yet.
  6. Yes, well I saw you coming this time.

  7. I like to do this from time to time, because you usually act surprised when I note you.
  8. Mascara for the masses.
  9. There's no need to be politically correct here.
  10. You're so naughty!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 42
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