Conversation Between FFNut and Galuf

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Just finished another piece of my Lets Play if you want to read. If my pictures work it is my best piece yet.
  2. Just change your birthdate to say 21 next box.
  3. Or not. Apoarently im not old enough. Oh yeah but i was old enough before i was 18? Wtf stupid box
  4. lol. i can do now if you wish
  5. im ok nutto. i was just annoyed at myself like always
  6. Really liking your lets play so far! Keep up the great play!
  7. Just tossed up chapter 3 for Ben. If your interested.
  8. Just finished the second chapter of Ben and posted it.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 18 of 18
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