Conversation Between Ayen and Christmas

58 Visitor Messages

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  1. And I get to sell your wife to slavery after 3 years of marriage.
  2. I'm sure this will in no way come back to bite me in the future.
  3. Then it is set! You will get married in a pumpkin carriage!

    I will be the wedding planner in exchange of getting to eat your first born.
  4. Sure!
  5. Can I be your fairy god mother??
  6. I think I would be Cinderella in this arrangement.
  7. If it is a she, will you marry her like Cinderella?
  8. Good point. I don't think you ever hear his voice or see him unmasked. Could be a she for all we know.
  9. How do you even know it's a "he"?
  10. But he's such a hunk.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 58
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