Conversation Between Ayen and Christmas

58 Visitor Messages

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  1. It can get pretty intense, but it doesn't come across as mindless violence as some more gory things I've seen in the past. At least, I don't feel that the violence is senseless.
  2. House Baratheon mod? Game of Thrones?

    I heard Game of Thrones is a really violent and gruesome show.
  3. I don't know what it's from. I just like the House Baratheon mod.
  4. Is that "Oblivion" from the Elder Scroll Series?

    No, you were naked. I have no idea why. Maybe I was thinking of food before I sleeps and mostly my foods are naked.
  5. Did I at least go out in a blaze of glory wearing this?
  6. Last night I dreamt that you and I are fighting in a battlefield and you died.

    And I was hungry.

    And you kinda went into my stomach.

    I guess we are ONE now.
  7. I think so *prods his mind* Might have to get new batteries.
  8. Is your mind and soul ready too? You have to give it all to make this work.
  9. My body is ready.
  10. 24? That means you are ready for mating season. ~~~~
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 58
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