Conversation Between Dat Matt and Pumpkin

203 Visitor Messages

  1. I guess I misunderstood the schedule, sorry >.<

    It's going okay. How are you?
  2. It's cool. It's a team effort just now. I've been yelled at by Shauna for enforcing schedules that we'll probably never stick to, so don't worry about it. How's house business going?
  3. I thought you had said your turn for the poll was tomorrow and Locky was today. Didn't mean to step on your toes if it was your turn, I'm sorry
  4. Just shared a gorgeous Tifa/Aeris artwork on Tumblr if you want to steal it for Facebook/Twitter
  5. She does, but we were assigned waifus from the internet. Shauna has one too~
  6. For some reason when you said that I just picture Shauna in the background like
  7. :excite:

    Tales of Vesperia is the best. Rita Mordio is mai waifu~ <3
  8. Terles of versperia is coming in today

    Won't be able to play it until I get back from my trip though

  10. Yep :P
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 203