Conversation Between Christmas and Dignified Pauper

569 Visitor Messages

  1. Defiine "good...?"
  2. Have you been a good little marick recently?
  3. I just happened to log in today... wow. HAPPY RSL DAY! :RSL:
  4. MARICK!!!!!! MARICK!!!!!
    Happy RSL Day! :rsl:
  5. What did PG tell you about g0y? Did he admit it? I bet he did. He cannot refute my principled argument.
  6. Prove my premise wrong. You can't. Therefore, I'm right.
  7. What a revelation!!! Are you freaking sure!?
  8. He is G0y. Ask him if he's ever penetrated a man. He has no way proving he has. Therefore he's G0y.
  9. That is rather deep!!! PGies? Peegee?
  10. No. Ask PGies.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 569